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    High-Quality Prescription Safety Eye Protection.

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    Rx Safety Eyewear Corporate Programs Complete Eye Safety takes the hassle out of ordering safety glasses for employees. We do it all for you, from start to finish—with preferred corporate pricing! Learn More Request a Quote The Complete Eye Safety customers can enjoy special benefits by utilizing one of our off-site service centers for industrial and occupational eye wear fitting and dispensing. Learn More Live Out-of-State? ViewPoint System™ Compliant Rx Learn More Buy Now Spectacle Kit Inserts Complete Eye Safety has teamed up with TriSpec Eye Gear and Spectacle Kits USA to become the premier Rx Spectacle Kit Insert processing company in the United States and Canada.

    Complete Eye Safety, powered by ViewPoint™ Systems

    After seeing too many patients whose lives were profoundly altered by workplace injuries, Complete Eye Safety was created to make eye safety #1 priority in the workplace. Doctor owned and operated, we ensure that companies and their employees have easy access to affordable, high-quality prescription eye protection products and services.

    1. Not Just Better Care,
      But A Better Care Experience

      Complete Eye Safety is not just an eyeglass company. We are experts in medicine, optics, human eye health, and visual performance. An eye safety company must do more than sell people glasses. Customers need support to develop a sustainable eye safety program…

    2. Safety that Won’t
      Break the Bank

      We manufacture our own lenses so we can produce quality safety glasses at better than competitive rates. Our corporate pricing is simple and straight forward.

    3. Nationwide Service with Local Flair

      Complete Eye Safety customers can enjoy special benefits by utilizing one of our off-site service centers for industrial and occupational eyewear fitting and dispensing.

      Individuals are encouraged to visit one of our owned and operated local service centers to order your Rx safety eyewear.

    Corporate Safety Eyewear Programs

    Save time, decrease costs and ensure compliance.

    Complete Eye Safety’s prescription safety eyewear programs take the hassle out of ordering safety glasses for your employees. We do it all for you, from start to finish. Corporate customers are assigned a trained optician who can answer your questions and help customize a plan to fit your needs and budget.

    Your Best Source for Rx Safety Eyewear

    Complete Eye Safety owns our own independent, state-of-the-art digital lens ANSI Z87.1, 2 Safety Lab providing our customers 100% certified compliant prescription safety eyewear and Rx spectacle kit inserts.

    Rx Spectacle Kit Inserts

    Trusted by Fire, Military, Law Enforcement and Industry Worldwide.

    Complete Eye Safety has partnered with TriSpec Eye Gear and Spectacle Kits USA processing, so you’ll get Rx Spectacle Kits calculated and crafted to fit your respirator mask to exact specifications and safety standards. You can spend much more at retail optical or other labs and not get a compliant product.

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